Demo v0.1.5 - What to Expect

Currently, there a number of issues that already break immersion, some of which I thought might be a problem but due to offline things outside of my control, slipped through my fingers and into the demo. Apologies.
I am currently working on these and when v0.1.5 is released, hopefully these will all be fixed. Of course, do keep me in the loop on other problems/bugs, and I'd love to know what you think thus far, so please don't hold back any feedback.

I am still working on a number of things for v0.2, which will bring more interaction and a more feature-complete experience.
I've already done some things, including:
Tweaks to the basic battle system
Added in extra checks for equipment-skill settings
FINALLY SWATTED THAT DAMNED GAME INTERPRETER CRASH BUG (and what a mess that was to clean up lolz)
Got all the asset bits that were only used for project testing and edits and moved them to an external folder so that the archive is smaller in size going forward
Removed the need for local RTP installation entirely

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